Bridges Made of Pebbles


Despite the dominant paradigm of journalistic media as gatekeepers, the proliferation of information and media platforms has resulted in the rise of gatewatching. This collaborative concept is rapidly destroying legacy media industrial models as the dynamics of information are shifting from a centralised focus to information on the peripheries.

As information sources move to the peripheries, this leads to ad hoc information that is fundamentally crowd sourced and decentralised in nature. This subsequently changes the nature of journalism and results in the notion of citizen journalism. In comparison to the legacy media model where journalism was a process of decision making and filtering, citizen journalism produces news that is an ongoing process, in a constant state of unfinished content that is continuously inviting user participation.  This is revolutionary for the institution of journalism however it is fraught with both negative and positive aspects.

3 thoughts on “Bridges Made of Pebbles

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  1. Super informative post, I think you covered all of the ideas mentioned for the week and explained them well. I’d like to see more examples of where citizen journalism has had it’s pro’s and con’s as opposed to traditional journalism, however this is still a well-rounded post!


  2. Hilarious meme, completely sums up how a lot of journo students must be feeling if they are taking this course! Have to agree with the above post always love a good pros and cons diagram, but this post has been enlightening to the dying ways of traditional media! this article gives an indepth view of ejournalism from an e journalist, its an interesting read you should check it out


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