The eternal debate: iOS v Android


As the discussion between iOS and Android rages on, I forget that we are talking about technology and not personal world views. There is so much judgement and stigma attached to whichever side you defend and as ridiculous as this may sound, open versus closed source is very much a philosophical debate as it is physical.

When we talk about Apple or the iOS systems we are talking about a philosophy that is concerned with complete control. The device is closed and the walled garden of applications are strictly relevant to brand and media device. However the Android system is infinitely open and free with it’s media platforms and it’s software.

As polar as these two philosophies are, both remain extremely popular which I find surprisingly interesting. If Android is existing as the ultimate tool of freedom, then why are we surrounded by iOS devices?

3 thoughts on “The eternal debate: iOS v Android

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  1. Good insight here! I agree – I think our personal philosophies are critical to how we interpret the debate. And I guess as long as there is sufficient information about the ethos of both apple and android, users should be free to choose which they prefer according to their own values, free of judgement from others. Only thing is, as your meme alludes to, apple doesn’t openly disclose it’s philosophy! This is a little convoluted by the best I could get to info on apple’s philosophy, as endorsed by apple >


  2. you are raising some really great points here that only further the debate! it feels like an ever going argument. Interesting that you pointed out the personal views, because, on the surface that is always what it comes down to, its the familiarity of our devices that we love, without even understanding the complexity of the systems they’ve evolved in. This link summarizes the differences between the two in super easy to read graphs!


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