The Feudal Internet


Despite democratic intentions and movements like cyberlibertarianism, the internet appears to be becoming increasingly feudal. As we are overwhelmed by an abundance of information there is a dire need for incessant sorting of information. This inevitably leads to the ideas surrounding attention vectors and the logic of aggregates.

This leads us to the concept of ‘walled gardens‘ which essentially aggregates and curates information for users. The walled garden is representative of control, notions of protection and identity. As this exists within the information economy, the more information is within the walled garden, the more valuable it becomes.

These walled gardens exist as stacks that the user is nominally free to choose between. However, once the user decides which stack it will use, the stacks control information use across the garden. Therefore our said choice is arguably somewhat limited and it is clear that this concept moves against the beliefs of cyberlibertarianism.

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